Richard Hamilton Collage
Richard Hamiltons famous collage shows objects, icons and locations to convey many messages. The main one being “just what it is that makes todays home so different, so appealing?”
We were tasked to recreate the collage in a way that’s unique.
My collage is based around Brexit and how it happened, along with how I believe it is an awful situation for Britain to be in.
The TV — The TV is showing the famous UKIP led poster which showed a queue of mostly non-white migrants and refugees with the slogan “Breaking point: the EU has failed us all.” The poster was infact reported to the police, for inciting racial hatred. This is significant as it represents the scare-mongering that helped sway the voters.
The Man In the England football shirt — This represents how pro-brexit voters felt about immigration, and the possibility of helping refugees by letting them into the country and the anger this caused people.
The Man sitting on the couch — This represents how on social media, many saw brexit as a joke. The best example of this being (the now banned) parody Twitter account Barry Stanton, which was an older English man, who was portrayed as uneducated and very stereotypical forms of racism. This was created as joke for anti-brexit voters to laugh at, but perhaps shows how the vote wasn’t taken seriously enough.
Child on phone — This shows how future generations will receive their news on politics and anything else, not always being credible and very naive.
Newspapers — These newspapers show headlines which have reliable authors and journalists who know what they are talking about, left on the table not being read as the people in the room pay attention to other media. representing ignored information, facts that people don’t want to hear.
Framed photo of Nigel Farage and Jacob Rees-Mogg — This shows two of the main brexit campaigners, laughing at the people in the room, happy as they eat up the info presented.
Outside the window — The window represents the reality of the situation. The train is the Eurostar, famed for connecting Europe and bringing it together, crashing into a brick wall causing explosions and many problems. The Eurostar represents the EU and the brick wall represents Brexit, stopping the EU from working, helping people come together. The explosions represents the divide and conflicts caused from it.
The feedback received made change my collage by focusing the collage into one important point.
My original collage had many different points and felt lost because of that, and I have improved on it a lot.
Overall I enjoyed this task as it allowed me to try to express my different views and opinions on topics that are important to me, and I have undoubtedly learned from it.